THE X-FILES Mapping Project

Pennsylvania Map

Click an episode location on the map, or the episode number: 1x06, 1x16, 2x03, 4x03, 4x04, 4x13, 4x14, 4x15, 5x13, 5x18, 7x15, 8x07, 8x11.

Shadows Young At Heart Blood Home Teliko Never Again Leonard Betts Memento Mori Patient 'X' The Pine Bluff Varient En Ami Via Negativa The Gift

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Episode 1x06
Title: Shadows
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: October 22, 1993
Mulder and Scully investigate unusual committed
by an unseen force protecting a young woman.

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Episode 1x16
Title: Young At Heart
Location: Tashmoo Prison, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: February 11, 1994
Mulder finds that a criminal he put away that was
supposed to have died in prison has returned,
taunting him as he commits a new spree of crimes.

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Episode 2x03
Title: Blood
Location: Franklin, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: September 30, 1994
Several residents of a small suburban farming community
suddenly turn violent and dangerous, promted by digital
readouts in appliances telling them to kill.

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Episode 4x03
Title: Home
Location: Home, Pennsylvania
Location Type: fictional
First Aired: October 11, 1996
Mulder and Scully investigate the murder of an infant
in a small town whose residents include an odd family.

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Episode 4x04
Title: Teliko
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: October 18, 1996
One of four missing black men is found dead -
but his body has been drained of pigment.

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Episode 4x13
Title: Never Again
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: February 02, 1997
While following a lead for Mulder, Scully accepts
a date, unaware the man has committed a murder.

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Episode 4x14
Title: Leonard Betts
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: January 26, 1997
After a decapitated body disappears from a morgue,
evidence suggests that it left under its own power.

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Episode 4x15
Title: Memento Mori
Location: Allentown, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: February 09, 1997
Scully learns that she has brain cancer, the same type
found in a group of women who claim alien abduction.

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Episode 5x13
Title: Patient 'X'
Location: Ruskin Dam, Pennsylvania
Location Type: fictional
First Aired: March 01, 1998
Mulder meets a woman claiming multiple alien
abductions. But her son wants Mulder to ignore
her, fearing damage to his own FBI career.

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Episode 5x18
Title: The Pine Bluff Variant
Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: May 03, 1998
As a task force closes in on a militia leader, he flees,
leaving an arms dealer dead from a biotoxin, and leaving
Mulder apparently responsible for his escape.

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Episode 7x15
Title: En Ami
Location: Milford, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: March 19, 2000
When Scully investigates a boy who was cured of cancer overnight by
"angels . . . from the sky, in a ball of light", she is approached by the
Cigarette Smoking Man - who makes her an offer that's tough to refuse.

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Episode 8x07
Title: Via Negativa
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Location Type: real
First Aired: December 17, 2000
Two FBI agents and 20 cult members are killed, allegedly
by the cult founder, a convicted murderer who believes
the key to a higher plane is a particular hallucinogen.

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Episode 8x11
Title: The Gift
Location: Squamash, Pennsylvania
Location Type: fictional
First Aired: February 04, 2001
A case Mulder investigated but didn't report brings Doggett
and Skinner to a Pennsylvania town where they encounter a
once-missing woman and a legend about a forest creature.

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