THE X-FILES Mapping Project


Have you ever wondered how many episodes of THE X-FILES have been located in your state? I've summarized the number of episodes by state using three different methods: a simple table, a bar graph, and a thematic map. I've also included tables that summarize the number of episodes by country and by location type (whether the location was "real" or "fictional").

Please see this page to learn how the locations were chosen and what I mean by "real" vs. "fictional". Enjoy!

Updated May 21, 2001.

THE X-FILES - Number of Episodes by State

State Name Number of Episodes
Alabama 0
Alaska 2
Arizona 3
Arkansas 1
California 16
Colorado 0
Connecticut 0
District of Columbia 14
Delaware 1
Florida 5
Georgia 2
Hawaii 0
Idaho 3
Illinois 4
Indiana 2
Iowa 1
Kansas 2
Kentucky 0
Louisiana 0
Maine 1
Maryland 16
Massachusetts 9
Michigan 2
Minnesota 2
Mississippi 1
Missouri 2
Montana 2
Nebraska 0
Nevada 4
New Hampshire 2
New Jersey 2
New Mexico 4
New York 7
North Carolina 4
North Dakota 1
Ohio 2
Oklahoma 2
Oregon 2
Pennsylvania 13
Puerto Rico 1
Rhode Island 3
South Carolina 0
South Dakota 0
Tennessee 3
Texas 3
Utah 1
Vermont 1
Virginia 18
Washington 6
West Virginia 5
Wisconsin 2
Wyoming 0

Here's the same information shown in a chart.

THE X-FILES - Number of Episodes by State

And here's the same information shown in a map.

THE X-FILES - Number of Episodes by Country

Country Name Number of Episodes
Antarctica 1
Bermuda 1
Canada 1
Ivory Coast 1
Norway 1
Russia 1
USA 177

THE X-FILES - Number of Episodes by Location Type (Real or Fictional)

Type of Episode Number of Episodes
Fictional 38
Real 145

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