THE X-FILES Mapping Project

GIS and GPS Information

GIS and GPS Defined in X-FILES Terms

A Geographic Information System (GIS) was featured in the episode "Pusher" (US airdate: February 23, 1996; Season 3, Number 17). In the scene where Robert "Pusher" Modell phones and causes Agent Frank Burst to have a heart attack, the lead SWAT guy (Brophy) was using GIS software on his laptop to locate the telephone booth that Pusher was calling from.

A Geographic Positioning System (GPS) was featured in the episode "End Game" (US airdate: February 17, 1995; Season 2, Number 17), as well as in "The X-Files Movie" (also known as "Fight the Future"; US release date: June 19, 1998). In "End Game", Mulder used a GPS unit in Alaska to locate the submarine that the Alien Bounty Hunter (also known as "The Mighty Morphin Bounty Hunter" or "SchwartzenAlien") was trying to get away in. In "The X-Files Movie", Mulder used a GPS unit in Antarctica to find Scully.

The GPS unit used on THE X-FILES is a Trimble ScoutMaster. You can see a picture of the ScoutMaster here, and you can read about it here.

Here's a press release about the GPS unit used in "The X-Files Movie":
"Trimble GPS Cameos in X-File Movie"

GIS and GPS Defined in BORING Terms (just kidding)

Simply put, a GIS is a spatial database and a GPS is a device that uses satellites to determine location. I'm a little too lazy to write-up more detailed definitions of GIS and GPS, especially when others do it so well. Below are links to GIS and GPS tutorials. Please use the links if you are interested in learning more about the wonderful world of GIS and GPS.

GIS Tutorial: About GIS
GPS Tutorial: All About GPS

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